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The Island is a survival game for Mac and PC. It is part of a larger artwork, entitled New Land Scenics, first displayed at Eastern Bloc Gallery, Montreal, in 2018. It can be downloaded and played for free, but only if you have collected the password from the New Land Scenics installation. If you have not, and would still like to play, you can try to figure out the password yourself. It is six letters and not very difficult. 

The Island was created by stitching together 51 individual photographs taken with Google Earth to create one cohesive landmass. The images are of locations from all around the globe, with one common theme. These are the areas most affected by climate change so far. By combining them into one island, I hope to emphasize the universality of this global crisis, and allow viewers to enter these spaces virtually, in game form. Though The Island is intended to be a fun and entertaining game, it is my hope that the fun is accompanied by a will to action in the player's own community. 

Regions included in The Island, and links to relevant info:


Amazon Rainforest, Antarctica, Bangladesh, Burma/Myanmar, Cote D'Ivoire, Dead Sea, Florida Keys, Ghana, Great Barrier Reef, Guatemala, India, Maldives, Mozambique, Nunavut, Pakistan, Yamal Peninsula

© 2018 by David Howlett

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